In the magical shelter of an old Karst estate under the shade of a three-hundred-year-old mulberry tree, an unforgettable gourmet experience awaits you. On a guided tour you will learn about the process of prosciutto curing according to the old traditional method ending with a tasting and the possibility of purchasing products.

Mulberry tree

Entering the Ščuka yard you can admire the 300 year old mulberry tree in the worldest unique shape of umbrella. We take you to the times when mulberry trees came to Karst and later had important role in silk production. At authentic Karst yard you get to know all about typical architecture elements and listen to story about stone, which is still Karst man’s the greatest inspiration.


Tour continues to prosciutteria, which is one of the rarest, where prosciuttos and other products are dried only with the help of the bora wind. Inside you get to know more about traditional prosciutto making and whole lot more secrets that were passed on from our ancestors.


After seeing all those Karst specialities and when suddenly your stomaches begin to make some sounds, it is time to continue to the tasting room. There you can taste our products, as well as variety of cheeses, fruit juices and wines from local producers. Groups and travelers are most welcome.

Tasting menus

Taste of Karst

The price includes:

-guided tour

-5 dag of COBIUS prosciutto +24m,

-2 dag of MORUS pancetta,

-1 dag of COBIUS RENA – matured wild boar thigh,

-1 dag of COBIUS LUCUS – matured deer thigh,

-local cow and goat cheese, olives, homemade bread,

-2,5 dl drink (Teran wine (red)/Malvazija wine (white) or natural grape juice 'Teranovka').

Individual experience: 2-20 persons

Organized experience: 20-50 persons

Duration: 90 minutes

Price:  18,00 €/person

Karst selection

The price includes:

-guided tour

-4 dag of COBIUS prosciutto +12M,

-4 dag of COBIUS prosciutto +24M,

-4 dag of COBIUS prosciutto +36M,

-2 dag of MORUS pancetta,

local cow and goat cheese, olives, homemade bread,

-2,5 dl drink (Teran wine (red)/Malvazija wine (white) or natural grape juice 'Teranovka').

Individual experience: 2-20 persons

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: 24,00 €/person

Hand-slicing prosciutto workshop

The gastronomic experience takes you into the world of masters of the prestigious skill of hand-slicing prosciutto. In a two to three hour workshop, together with an experienced cutting master, you will get to know a high-quality cured prosciutto, the technique of slicing/cutting prosciutto, as dictated by the Karst tradition, and try slicing with three different knives. The workshop is intended for all gastronomic enthusiasts who want to learn and perfect the technique of hand-slicing.


Hand-slicing belongs to the intangible culinary heritage on Slovenian soil. The tradition was formed centuries ago, when they didn’t have a rack or a prosciutto machine and they sliced the prosciutto in the drawer. The correct way of cutting prosciutto by hand should be preserved and handed down to all descendants, because only the correct cut refines the meat to its highest point of gastronomic experience. When it comes to experiencing the whole story and the technological process of product preparation, not only high-quality raw materials and long-term ripening are enough, but also the correct cut, which in most cases is performed on special or selected occasions. Incorrect slicing can destroy even a high-quality ham, which is why knowledge of the traditional manual slicing technique is crucial for the correct and high-quality presentation and consumption of prosciutto.

What to expect from the experience:


  • tour inside the prosciutteria,
  • getting to know the stages of our traditional technological process of curing prosciutto.


  • machine-cut Cobius +24M prosciutto and other products (pancetta, wild boar, deer and chamois prosciutto) with a touch of local Karst cheeses and wine,
  • tasting of hand-sliced prosciutto Cobius.



  • tool presentation,
  • presentation of the preparation of prosciutto for cutting,
  • cutting technique,
  • cutting with three different professional knives,
  • loss optimizations,
  • tips for conservation,
  • tips for choosing a good whole mature prosciutto,
  • getting to know the different parts of prosciutto,
  • taste comparison between hand-cut and machine-cut prosciutto.

Hand-slicing prosciutto workshop

The price includes:

-guided tour

-5 dag of COBIUS prosciutto +24m,

-2 dag of MORUS pancetta,

-1 dag of COBIUS RENA – matured wild boar thigh,

-1 dag of COBIUS LUCUS – matured deer thigh,

-1 dag of COBIUS RUPI – matured chamois thigh,

-local cow and goat cheese, olives, homemade bread, homemade jam,

-2,5 dl drink (Teran wine (red)/Malvazija wine (white) or natural grape juice 'Teranovka'),

-1 dl of Teran wine aged in oak barrel and
hand-slicing prosciutto workshop.

Individual experience: 2-15 persons

Durtaion: 120 - 180 minutes

Price:  35,00 €/person



22.10.2024 –Sold out

23.10.2024 – Sold out

25.10.2024 – Only two free appointments left

26.10.2024- Free



2.11.2024 – Free

8.11.2024 – Sold out

9.11.2024 – Sold out

14.11.2024 – Free

16.9.2024 – Free


Both tasting menus include also guided tour of our yard and prosciutteria.

The same group selects a single menu.

Experiences take place between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.


We will be very happy to be your host. Please make a reservation by phone or e-mail.

Visits on other days of the week are available for groups larger than 30 people.

Frequently asked questions

For groups smaller than 10 people it is mandatory to make a reservation at least 2 days upfront your arrival.

For groups greater than 10 people it is mandatory to make a reservation at least 7 days upfront your arrival.

We dedicate our time to every person, no matter how big the group is.

Of course. For children from 4 to 12 years old  we charge only half of the regular price. For children under 4 years the visit is free.

At the end of your visit you can buy any of our products.

For travel agencies and larger groups we have prepared additional degustation menus. Please contact us.

Yes. Last year our guests kindly warned us, that someone else is using our name. This question is therefore set just to warn you to pay attention when making a reservation.

Others about us

Fantastic tour and sampling of dried meats. We will return!


Vancouver, Canada

Wonderful visit – such great memories! Thank you for a great time!


New York, USA

Thank you, “lepa hvala”! We enjoyed the tour and your prosciutto is super! It was wonderful to sit under such an old mulberry tree – really blessed.


Cape Town, South Africa

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